World's Richest CEOs

Bangalore: Many dream to become the richest person in the world, but few are lucky to reach there. People spend their entire lives in working towards this goal of becoming rich and richer and the richest, some are fortunate to reach their goals soon but for some it takes a little longer but they still don’t lose hope. Here are the fortunate ones who are listed as the richest CEOs of the world.

Carlos Slim

He is a Mexican entrepreneur who is the Chairman and CEO of telecommunications companies Telmex, America Movil and Grupo Carso. America Movil is the largest mobile carrier which accounts to $49 billion. Slim has been the Vice President of the Mexican stock exchange and was President of the Latin-American committee of the New York stock exchange Administration Council. He was also on the Board of Directors of Altria, Alcatel, Philip Morris International and SBC Communications. Slim was awarded the Entrepreneurial Medal of Honor from the Mexico’s Chamber of Commerce and he is a “gold patron” of the American Academy of Achievement, he also was considered as the CEO of the year in 2003 and CEO of the decade in 2004 by Latin Trade magazine. At present his net worth is $70 billion.